The Philosophical Fight Club is a unique tool for strengthening teams & individuals

We nurture cooperation and foster resilience

We combine playful physical partner exercises rooted in the traditions of jiu jitsu and wrestling with structured philosophical reflections.


Connecting Through Your Body

We guide individuals and teams to discover how playful physical interactions is a powerful tool for  self discovery and self development. Our programmes and workshops explore self leadership and team dynamics through our guiding principle:

...with the body and through the body

We frequently work without words using physical games and partner exercises to open and address themes that are often entangled by conventional, word-heavy approaches. The result once we return to the verbal reflections are often profound and transformative. Read more about our methodology.


Delve into Our Unique Methodology


We believe all experience is embodied. Therefore physical work is fundamental in our approach. Physically relating to each other can bypass the habits and defensive strategies we unconsciously and often unwillingly put between us when we become entangled in conventional word-heavy approaches to self- and leadership development. First we talk with our body, then we talk with our words!


When did you last play? As in really let go, and immerse yourself completely in play...

Our programmes and workshops are playful by design, because playfulness provides a safe framework for exploring conflict and sensitive topics. Playing games is how we as kids first acquire social norms, discover how to influence and lead others, and learn to regulate our own behaviour. As you will discover working with us, your inner child is well alive somewhere in there. And offers you a different perspective on yourself. 


If it serves a higher purpose. In our work the higher purpose is creating a safe playground for you to become wiser about yourself. We let you explore fundamental assumptions about yourself, other people, and the world. We do this by carefully guiding you through wordless physical games of cooperation and conflict in different settings. Essentially turning conflict into a safe tool of self development.


We are not afraid to ask the difficult questions. But we try our best to playfully entice you to discover the most pertinent questions yourself. A satisfactory professional life hinges on knowing yourself as best as you can and finding purpose. For us that involves important philosophical questions on freedom, purpose, mastery, and wisdom. We ask them, and we confront you to explore your motivations and patterns, helping you develop a more nuanced experiential vocabulary. You become better at sensing your body, describing your emotions, clarifying your thoughts, and evaluating your actions.


These are some of the themes in our programmes


A big ego is not bad, but we can easily become our own biggest obstacle. Explore how our carefully directed playful interactions can help you explore your world view, and learn how to use your ego power to serve yourself and the people you work with in your interactions.


Power flows in all human relations. Playful physical interactions is way to discover and challenge how we use power to influence others, and how we are influenced by others. We have a unique set of tools that will allow you to work both constructively and provocatively with power in order to better understand and remediate conflicts.


People working in highly demanding, stressful or competitive environments benefit from having a thorough grasp on how they spend their energy. We give you an expansive vocabulary to describe your energy states, and through physical energy exchanges we guide you to a better understanding how we receive, protect, and give energy."

Acquiring new knowledge and building competence in action rather than learning from books is a skill set in it self. We have more than 20 years of experience in experiential and contextual learning working with athletes and professionals.



What challenges are imminent in your organisation? What areas are your leaders struggling with?

We are curious to learn more about your challenges, and we'd love to hear from you. Perhaps our methods can serve you. Learn more about us here


The team behind

At the core of The Philosophical Fight Club are Christian Ifversen and Morten Vinther, who bring decades of combined expertise in elevating people and teams. Their approach draws deeply on their dedication to martial arts, philosophy, psychology, and a profound understanding of human physiology.



MSc Economics & Philosophy

For more than 20 years, the art and science of teaching and guiding transformational processes have been central to my professional journey.

I am a black belt in jiu jitsu with over 25 years of experience in the sport, I hold a degree in Philosophy and Economics, and I have professional experience from leadership positions in the private sector, in startups and in the educational sector.

As a driver of human transformation, I am always looking for the right question to ask my fellow humans, and to help them peek around the next corner. More often than not, the underlying questions people and organisations deal with in their struggles are eternal philosophical questions. I believe we are all a little bit lost, but the beautiful thing is that at least we are together in it. The best answers are in there inside of us somewhere, if we ask the right questions!

My greatest passion is solving problems and coaching individuals and teams at all levels within an organization. Everything I do is deeply informed by a life time of martial arts experience as a practitioner, teacher, competitor, and mentor. employ a hands-on, pragmatic approach while integrating ideas and frameworks deeply rooted in philosophy and psychology.


MSc Human Physiology

I am a dedicated professional in the realm of physical and mental development, personal growth, and leadership.

With 20 years of experience and a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I leverage this expertise as a tool for both personal and organizational development.

As a coach, educator, and mentor, I have spent almost two decades guiding individuals and teams through transformative growth processes. I hold a Master’s degree in Sport & Health Science, and several specialized coaching certifications, which underpins my approach with a solid scientific foundation and practical approach.

My work integrates my practical experience with deep knowledge in health, fitness, and mental resilience to foster impactful development.

I am committed to advancing health, fitness, and longevity, while also supporting mental health and personal growth. By focusing on both the physical and mental aspects of development, I aim to inspire and empower people to achieve their full potential and navigate complex challenges effectively.


Get in touch with us

We design transformative programs that bridge the gap between physical practice and the essential skills needed for personal and organizational success.

We look forward to connecting and exploring how we can drive meaningful change together.